  Chapter 6

Chapter Six – First of Four Tales, Part III – Revelation

As patrons started to file into the church, the dreary people looked up to the child standing at the podium looking through the holy text. Their curious faces must have not the energy to speak out or they surely would have. As a wave of dusty white miners entered the church, Serena opened the book and gave one last look to Father Bevek as she searched for her voice.

The pews were only nearly half full, with the farmers and some of the quarrymen filing in as she spoke, “It must be by divine will that I stand before you today. Venai, has chosen me to carry on his word and so I shall through the Naishe. My name is Sage Serena, and I have come from Fian to relieve you of the burden of worry and fear that envelops Gilek.”

As Serena opened the heavy worn book to a marker from which the last Asonist read from, she turned several pages and stared at the text silently. Eagerly awaiting her words, the entire church was silent in anticipation except for a few creaks of the pews.

It is Velania's will that brings rain from tomorrow until Kibune. A warm and soothing rain shall make for a bountiful harvest and renew the springs.”

Gasps of joy and shock spread throughout the pews as Serena outstretched her hands and continued despite their reaction, Father Bevek nodded silently to Serena, instilling more courage into her, “This unseasonable rain is a blessing delivered at a critical time, as the red star crosses the horizon and shadows that of Bavai. For our offering, everyone must make a penance. Of wine, of leaf, of meat. Do honor to her purity and commit no sin, partake not in pleasure, for the cleansing rain shall wash the evil from body and spirit.”

As Serena finished she closed her eyes and stepped down from the podium as the stunned townspeople stared at the child-like figure who just divined the future and will of the Gods. Father Zevish proceeded down the pews, stopping for council of several concerned townspeople and conversing with some others while a stunned congregation watched the girl move back towards the altar behind the podium.

The clerestory windows shone light down upon the altar and Serena as she took an unlit candle and placed it into the center of the altar and dropped to her knees in prayer. As the light shone upon the candle the concentrated light caused it to lit on its own with a soft hiss and a few flickers. As Father Bevek and Father Mivek moved to the altar to take the candle, Serena picked it up from the altar and rose to her feet. Turning to face the people she held the candle high into the air as she decreed, “I extinguish this flame to end my service. If you wish otherwise, give a sign.”

Extinguishing the flame with the palm of her bare hand Serena winced as the hot wax burned her skin, gritting her teeth she made no sound and slowly took her hand off it. A faint trail of smoke rose into the air and a flame flickered to life once more. The two priests to Serena's side and placed their hands over each others and attempted to extinguish the lit flame as she has done. The two let out cry of pain as the flame surged up and engulfed their hands in a brilliant burst of light.

A demon flame!” cried out Father Mivek as he retreated holding his hand close to his chest. Father Bevek shook his own hand quickly to shake off the tinge of flame that had consumed his flesh.

Serena placed her hand over it again, smashing the candle with her palm, spreading the wax and fiery liquid onto her robe. The effect was instantaneous, the old robe burst into flame with such intensity and power the flames consumed her body in fire.

She'll be immolated!” cried a woman as the horrible speckle lit up the church.

Serena stood still through the fireball as the robe burn itself off of her body and fell to the stone floor below, her silk clothes revealing themselves as unscathed. Looking entirely surprised she turned her head back towards the two priests and then back to the congregation and weakly said, “I shall stay.”

Father Zevish made his way up to the altar and bowed his head, “Forgive my distrust, I have never seen a miracle before...”

Bevek and Mivek ushered Serena off towards the storeroom as Father Zevish took the podium, “This end the service. May you go with peace.”

Surrounded by the two priests, Serena looked at her tender, but barely burnt flesh, “How... no... what just happened?”

They have spoken and answered your call.” said Father Mivek.

I did not know the Sages could receive such signs from the gods and so boldly. Perhaps we should not have attempted to extinguish it ourselves, right Father Mivek.” Father Bevek said weakly, looking upon his badly burned hand and to Serena's unscathed body.

Such a flame, but you are untouched. You are truly a sage or-”

A Goddess among mortals.” said Father Zevish, making his way over to Serena's side, “Mr. Levek recognized you and said quite clearly that you have not aged in the five years since you met. Forgive me for my trespasses, Godd-”

Sage Serena is the only title I have. I have no home and no last name, content yourself to call me by name or title. I am a servant of the Gods and the Gods have denied my will for their own, until they are pleased I can not leave.”

Yes, Sage Serena. I shall prepare a room for your stay.” said Father Zevish as he humbly bowed his head to her.

I do not seek a life of luxury, what little you can provide is more then sufficient...”

Coming footsteps alerted the four to Brother Povek and Serena raised her hand passively as she turned her attention to the boy. With a red face he dropped to his knee at Serena's feet, “Forgive me, my emotions got the better of me.”

Biting her tongue, Serena placed a soft hand on his shoulder, “You are already forgiven. Now if you excuse me, I need to rest and meditate in private.”

Heading moving towards the storeroom she stopped and tilted her head back towards the four men, “At your convenience, fetch my robes and sash from Fian.”

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